Here’s Everything You Need To Know About Ptosis


Ptosis is a falling or drooping of the upper eyelids. Even though this concern is mostly unnoticed, droopy upper eyelids and sleepy-looking eyes could become serious enough to impair vision. Luckily, this issue is curable, and treatment could enhance your vision and attractiveness. At Rostami OPC, Dr. Soheila Rostami will diagnose your concerns and provide the most appropriate care solutions. Schedule an initial consultation to explore your options. Meanwhile, continue reading to learn what you should know about Ptosis Reston.

What Exactly Is Ptosis?

Most people refer to this eye condition as droopy eyes since the top eyelid ‘droops’ across the eye. Although this concern normally affects only one eye, there are instances where both eyes get affected. The condition’s severity will differ from one patient to another. For instance, droopiness may cover a portion of the eye or the entire pupil.

In serious cases, ptosis could obstruct the eyes and impair normal vision, which makes it difficult to look downwards or read. Patients may occasionally elevate their eyebrows inadvertently to compensate for eyesight loss, but this is not a remedy and will just fatigue your facial muscles.

What Are The Different Types Of Ptosis?

Ptosis is a condition that impacts both adults and kids. The following are the most frequently diagnosed forms of Ptosis:

  • Congenital Ptosis: This condition specifically affects kids, and according to specialists, it might result from issues with the kid’s levator muscle.
  • Acquired Ptosis: This condition, also termed Involutional Ptosis, is detected later in life. This issue is frequently caused by soft tissues detaching from the levator muscle or pulling away from it. There are numerous risk factors and reasons related to Acquired Ptosis. For instance, it could be caused by nerve damage, trauma, aging, or an inherent disorder.

What Are The Signs And Symptoms Of Ptosis?

It might be difficult to distinguish between Ptosis and the natural aging process. Nevertheless, you schedule an appointment if you observe your eyesight deteriorating or substantial eyelid drooping.

Typical indications of ptosis include:

  • Drooping eyelids
  • Double vision
  • Raising the eyebrows or tilting the head to correct vision
  • Repetitive rubbing of the eyes
  • Diminished or reduced vision
  • Eye fatigue
  • Watery eyes

How To Diagnose Ptosis?

Your physician will do a physical examination depending on your health history and symptoms during your consultation. Based on the degree of your condition, you may be required to undergo further tests, such as the Tensilon and Slit Lamp tests. Furthermore, imaging and blood tests might be required to discover if there is an underlying reason for symptoms.

How To Treat Ptosis?

In minor instances, therapy might not be necessary. In mild to severe cases, though, your physician might suggest intervention. Medications or Botox injections that tighten the upper eyelid muscles can resolve certain modest cases. However, surgery is the ideal therapy for moderate to serious instances. Typically, this is an outpatient operation.

You probably do not give your eyes much thought, but once you do, you recognize how important they are. Your eyes do more than only let you see; they can also convey your mood and feelings to those around you. Therefore, do not allow droopy eyelids to affect your vision and general life quality. At Rostami OPC, you can access top-quality care for your ptosis. Arrange an appointment through mobile or book online today.