How to Prepare For a Breast Lift Surgery

Breast Lift Surgery

A breast lift is an aesthetic surgical procedure that treats your bulging, uneven, or loosely hanging breasts by removing surplus fat and skin and firming the remaining tissue. As a result, you have breasts that are firmer and better sculpted. A breast lift East Windsor may be ideal if you have sagging breasts because of pregnancy, being overweight, and aging. For instance, you may need lifting of your breasts since the tissue and ligaments stretch and enlarge when you are pregnant. Sometimes, your breasts may not return to their earlier youthful appearance even after you have given birth.

Firmer and better-sculpted breasts improve the physique of your chest, may solve stretched areolas, makes your breasts look better inside and outside of your clothing, and boost your self-assurance and attitude. Consequently, below is the general preparation involved before, during, and after breast lift surgery, also known as mastopexy.

Before the procedure

When you visit the office of a mastopexy specialist, they will assess your medical and health history. Your plastic surgeon will ask a few questions about your past and present health situation, such as if your family has a history of cancerous breasts. Furthermore, you may have to share information about the surgery you have had recently or the drugs you are using.

If you have, also provide them to your plastic surgeon.

Your surgical specialist will also have to assess your breasts physically and rely on x-ray images. The examination may involve looking at the position of the nipples and areolas, which are the dark-colored skin regions adjacent to the nipples on your breasts.

Expect a discussion of your breast lift surgery expectations. Your doctor will take the time to inform you about potential problems and benefits.

During the procedure

A surgeon can use different treatment procedures to raise your chest’s drooping breasts. The treatment procedure your health specialist chooses will most likely depend on the incision region and the nature of the scarring.

For example, your plastic surgeon may cut the darker area of your nipples or make horizontal incisions along the creases of your breasts. Then, your health specialist extracts the sagging and unwanted skin, tissues, and fats from your breasts. Once there is a reduction in the volume of the pigmented skin neighboring your nipples, removal of excess fat, and shifting of nipples a bit higher, your surgical expert will close the cut.

Breast lift surgery takes a few hours, and you do not have to spend more time in the treatment center.

After breast lifting

After a breast surgical procedure, expect your breasts to have bruises, sores, numbing, pain, and inflammation for one or two weeks.

Your doctor will provide you with pain relief medications and discourage you from activities that strain your chest. You may not even engage in sex for one or two weeks.

Ensure you adhere to post-surgery instructions and consult with your health expert frequently so that your breasts heal without issues.

Contact Matthew J. Lynch, MD, today for specialist breast lift surgery.