Treatments for Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Disorders


Temporomandibular joints are located on both sides of the face, in front of the ears. They connect the lower jawbone to the skull and enable movements like chewing and speaking. TMJ disorders develop when your jaw joints or surrounding muscles and ligaments are injured. They can result from an improper bite, stress, teeth clenching or grinding, arthritis, acute trauma, or dislocation of the disc between your ball and socket joint. Symptoms of TMJ Dundalk disorder include jaw pain, headaches, earaches, jaw locking, jaw tenderness, and difficulties opening your mouth wide. There are many treatments for TMJ disorders based on the cause. These treatments include:


Over-the-counter non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications like aspirin and naproxen can help relieve jaw pain and swelling. Muscle relaxants can help relax tight jaw muscles if you grind or clench your teeth. If stress worsens your TMJ symptoms, your doctor can prescribe anti-anxiety medications to relieve stress. Low doses of antidepressants can help reduce TMJ pain and control bruxism and insomnia.

Splint or night guard

Splints and night guards are oral appliances that fit over your upper and lower teeth to provide stable tooth contacts during closure. Mouthguards also place your jaw in a favorable position, correcting your bite. You only wear night guards at night and splints for full-time. Depending on the cause of your TMJ disorder, your doctor can advise the best device for you. Night guards are suitable if you clench or grind your teeth while you sleep.


Your healthcare provider can suggest TMJ surgery if other treatments have not improved your symptoms. There are various types of TMJ surgery, including:


In the event that your jaw unexpectedly clamps tight, your doctor could suggest arthrocentesis. Additionally, it can assist in reducing TMJ irritation. Local anesthetic is used during arthrocentesis. Your expert will cleanse the afflicted joint by placing needles packed with sterile fluid inside of it. Occasionally, specialists use surgical instruments to eliminate scar tissue or dislodge a disc that has moved out of place.


An arthroscopy requires general anesthesia. It involves your surgeon making a small cut in front of your ear and inserting a tiny, thin instrument with a lens and light. The device is hooked up to a video monitor that enables the surgeon to examine the TMJ and surrounding area. Depending on your TMJ disorder, your specialist may remove inflamed tissue or realign the TMJ disc. Arthroscopy involves tiny incisions, so you experience minimal scarring, a short recovery period, less discomfort, and fewer complications than open-joint surgery.

Open-joint surgery

Open-joint surgery needs general anesthesia. It is a traditional treatment that involves a long incision to allow the insertion of instruments. Open-joint surgery may be beneficial if you have tumors in or around TMJ, extreme scarring, or bone chips in your joint. It may also be necessary if the bony structures that make up your jaw joint are wearing away.

TMJ disorders occur when your jaw joints or surrounding muscles and ligaments are injured or inflamed. Depending on the cause of your TMJ disorder, your doctor can treat the condition through medications, splints, night guards, or surgery. Schedule an appointment at CHOICE Pain & Rehabilitation Center for TMJ disorder treatment to relieve your jaw pain.