Why Are Vampire Facials and Facelifts So Popular?

Vampire Facials

PRP is all the rage now in the field of medicine, especially since it is essentially a beneficial cure derived from a patient’s blood. It is packed with growth factors that promote cell regeneration, making the applications all the more exciting. In the world of dermatology, PRP has led to the birth of the vampire facelift. Sometimes called a platelet-rich plasma facelift, the procedure uses the patient’s blood to reverse the signs of aging. A similar procedure called the vampire facial went viral in 2013 when Kim Kardashian posted a picture on Instagram with her face covered in blood. Below, we take a look at what vampire facial and facelift Oakbrook Terrace procedures are and why they are so popular.

What is a Vampire Facelift?

As mentioned, the vampire facelift procedure uses the patient’s blood to rejuvenate their skin. A medical professional draws blood from your arm and uses a centrifuge to separate the platelets from it. They then inject it into areas of your skin along with a hyaluronic acid filler. According to experts, a vampire facelift leaves your skin looking more elastic, firmer, and less wrinkled. It:

  • Plumps up the skin
  • Reduces the appearance of wrinkles
  • Brightens dull skin
  • Eliminates acne scars

Because it is a non-invasive procedure, a vampire facelift only requires topical anesthesia. You need very minimal downtime, and, if you don’t mind the redness, you can get back to your daily activities the next day. It is important that this procedure be performed by a trained medical professional in a clean environment using a sterile needle. Usually, it will last between 1 to 2 hours. You should be able to see smoothing immediately thanks to the filler, but the best results will follow several treatments.

Possible Side Effects

Vampire facelifts are non-invasive, and the side effects are usually mild. You may experience some redness alongside the following minor side effects:

  • Slight burning sensation or tingling
  • Bruising
  • Itching
  • Swelling

Some patients react negatively to the hyaluronic acid fillers, but this is rare. To avoid irritating your skin after a vampire facelift, avoid touching your face and use painkillers and an ice pack, as directed by your doctor, to alleviate the pain. Vampire facelifts are generally safe for people of all ages but may not be recommended for people with blood-related medical conditions like hepatitis C or HIV, skin cancer, or patients taking blood thinners. Always consult a doctor before getting a vampire facelift.

Vampire Facelift Vs. Vampire Facial

Vampire facials and vampire facelifts are often used interchangeably because they are similar treatments, but there are some distinctions. Both procedures use the patient’s blood, but the latter combines the PRP with a filler, and its results are more immediate. A vampire facial, on the other hand, combines PRP with microneedling, delivering the effects even deeper into the skin tissue. It is ideal for patients struggling with sagging skin and acne scars.

Your blood harbors your body’s ability to heal from injuries and other long-term damage. At Wrinkle Fairy, Leslie Forrester, APRN, and her team harness this ability through vampire facials and vampire facelifts to improve the look and feel of your skin. Contact one of their Illinois offices to learn more about these procedures and set up an appointment.