Advantages of Clear Aligners for Straightening Teeth in Boynton Beach

Clear Aligners

Modern orthodontic treatment was completely rewritten in recent years when clear teeth aligners were finally introduced to the market. These days, Boynton Beach residents looking for a way to get the sheer smile of their dreams are switching from traditional braces made out of metal and wire to clear aligners says a general dentist in Boynton Beach, FL. In this article, we examine a handful of reasons that you might decide to go with clear aligners instead.

1. Discreet Appearance

One of the top benefits of clear aligners is that they are nearly invisible. Clear aligners are an alternative to traditional metal braces that use nearly invisible, clear trays made of medical-grade plastic. This makes it particularly attractive to adults and teens in Boynton Beach who may be reluctant to wear obvious, metal braces. Clear aligners make it so that when you straighten your teeth, people will hardly notice that you are undergoing treatment.

2. Comfort and Convenience

The aligners are custom-made to fit your mouth just so, which means they exert their force more gently (and also that, unlike metal braces, you have way less chance of cutting up the inside of your lips with them). Traditional braces can be painful on the gums and cheeks from the metal brackets or wires. As they are seamless and lack protruding wires, clear aligners pose a smaller risk to the soft tissues in your mouth.

Another benefit often overlooked is the fact that clear aligners are removable, which for many people makes them a superior choice over braces. They can be removed for eating, drinking, brushing, and flossing so you do not have to give up your regular oral hygiene routine or favorite foods.

3. Improved Oral Hygiene

One positive aspect of clear aligners is that they make cleaning easier than with traditional braces. Food can get trapped in braces, which can be difficult to clean with normal brushing and flossing, resulting in a risk of plaque buildup leading to gum disease as well as cavities. For example, with clear aligners, all you have to do is take them out so that you can brush and floss your teeth as normal. It will also make cleaning easier, and when teeth are clean they stay healthier, which is a priority during orthodontic treatment.

4. Results Oriented and Predictable

The clear aligners are custom-made as per each patient using state-of-the-art digital technology that calculates every shift of your teeth beforehand. Our Boyton Beach orthodontist will have the ability to customize a treatment plan for your underbite after using digital scans or impressions of your teeth. The plan shows how your teeth will move with each stage — you can see the anticipated results before you even start!

5. Fewer Office Visits

As with old-fashioned braces, the orthodontist frequently has to adjust them by tightening wires or changing rubber bands. Clear aligners, however, don’t require as many in-office visits. You simply need to visit the office every six to eight weeks for a follow-up and pick up your next three or four sets of aligners (depending on how quickly you wear them). This is especially great news for the residents in Boynton Beach who have very little time to sit in a dental chair.

You can now use clear aligners to get a straighter, more aligned smile in a modern, effective way. Clear aligners offer those in Boynton Beach the lowest profile, combined with comfort and a myriad of additional benefits to make them an ideal pair for achieving great dental health while improving confidence. If you are considering orthodontic treatment, only a qualified Orthodontist can let you know whether clear aligners would be suitable for your case. Enjoy the path to a straighter smile without missing out on treatment that fits around you.