Common Skin Conditions in Children

Skin Conditions in Children

Statistics show there are 12 million dermatologist visits for children’s skin concerns every year. The most common skin issues include acne, birthmarks, warts, and rashes. Adult and Pediatric dermatology offer effective and safe treatments in cosmetic dermatology Forest Hills.

Acne in babies and adolescents

Acne is more prevalent in adolescents and teens than in other age groups. It arises from hormonal changes that happen during that stage of development. The oil glands become overactive, leading to an accumulation of oil and dead skin cells.

Pimples can also appear on the baby’s cheeks, eyelids, and chin. It is usually an inflammatory reaction to yeast on the baby’s skin. It often disappears approximately three months after it appears.

Popping the pimple can make the condition worse by pushing the infection deeper into the skin. Your dermatologist can prescribe medicated gems and creams to stop the inflammation.

You can also prevent acne by encouraging your children to cleanse their faces. Use comedogenic ointments and soaps that don’t clog the skin’s pores. Avoid wearing tight clothing as it can irritate the skin and spread the infection.


Warts are skin growths visible on the hands, fingers, feet, and face. But they can emerge anywhere on the baby’s body, including the genitals. Warts are usually harmless and affect one in five children.

Warts can spread from one individual to the next through contact. People who use public showers and swimming pools are at risk of warts. The skin condition can also infect other parts of the body if you prick or pop them.

Since warts are harmless, they don’t require treatment. They disappear within two years and take a shorter time in children. To get more about how long a wart takes to disappear without treatment, visit this website:

However, people with an immune system dysfunction may need specialized treatment. Your dermatologist can prescribe medication to encourage your immune system to attack warts.


A ringworm is a fungal skin infection that starts as a red, scaly patch or bumps. It appears like a raised circular ring, which is where the ringworm gets its name. However, not all cases have the same pattern.

A ringworm may also appear on the scalp and make the hair fall off. As a fungus, it thrives in warm and moist environments. It can spread through skin-to-skin contact or from animals to humans.

Ringworms can be treated with OTC (Over-the-counter) drugs and creams. If the ringworm persists, your dermatologist may prescribe medication or a topical ointment.

Your child may need to take an oral pill for one to three months. The medication can help prevent ringworms from spreading to other children.


Hives are amongst the most common skin condition affecting children. They have raised patches of minute growths that resemble mosquito bites. Hives are itchy but some children may experience more intense sensations of pain.

Hives can be prevented by avoiding triggers such as insect bites that cause allergic reactions. They can be treated with antihistamines to control itching. Prescription medications like corticosteroids can limit the immune system’s response to allergies.

Contact Adult and Pediatric Dermatology for more information on skin conditions in children.